Jinyang Du

Title: Research scientist

Institution: University of Montana

Address: 32 Campus Dr, Univ Of Montana Miss, Montana 59812

Email: jinyang.du@ntsg.umt.edu

Phone: (406) 830-7175

Visit Jinyang’s Research Website

Research Interests: Remote sensing, extreme events, global change, floods, droughts, vegetation responses to changing climate

View Jinyang’s CV

Biographical Sketch:

Dr. Du is a Research Scientist with the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) at the University of Montana. He received a Ph.D. degree in Geographic Information Systems and Cartography from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. His research interests include remote sensing modeling and retreival of vegetation, soil, water, and snow parameters, as well as AI-based forecasts for extreme events. Dr. Du has served on several NASA mission teams applying satellite observations to environmental change studies.

Ongoing and Recent CESU Projects:

  • High resolution mapping of surface soil freeze-thaw status and active layer thickness for improving understanding of permafrost dynamics and vulnerability (NASA project)
  • Development of a High Resolution Flood and Drought Monitor for the BuPuSa basins (UNESCO project)
  • Develop a Satellite and AI Enhanced Forecast System for Field-level (30-m) Early Drought Detection for Montana (UM project)

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