Michael Dillon

Title: Professor

Institution: University of Wyoming

Address: 1000 E. University Ave Dept 3166, Laramie, Wyoming 82071

Email: Michael.Dillon@uwyo.edu

Phone: (307) 314-9833

Visit Michael’s Research Website

Research Interests: pollinators, climate change, thermal tolerance, bumble bees

View Michael’s CV

Biographical Sketch:

My research interests center around two core and related questions: 1.) How do (abiotic) environments determine whether and where animals persist?, and 2.) How do animals respond, at cellular to organismal to population levels, to environmental challenges? In tackling these questions, I have worked with diverse animals that live in diverse environments: from tropical frogs and orchid bees to subtropical hummingbirds to north temperate agricultural pests and pollinators to Rocky Mountain stoneflies, Sierra Nevada fruit flies and Himalayan bumble bees. Regardless of the organism, I combine detailed characterization of the environments they live in with physiological experiments to measure function in those environments and often with modeling to broaden findings to other systems.

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